Monday, March 28, 2005

Neeeeeew Zeeeelind

Hello again.

Am now in NZ with Patrick, rented a nice car and are driving around like crazy. It's awesome actually. The nature, the scenery, fan-bloody-tastic. No wonder they filmed both 'Lord of the rings' and 'Chronicles of Narnia' here. Watched Lord of the Rings 2 a few days ago actually, does anyone else think it's like a three hour long Enya video? Seems like it's just me at the moment. Everyone else fucking loves it, It's boring, don't you see? I feel like the little boy in 'The emperors new clothes' that points at the emperor, going; He's naked, he's naked.

We're stuck in Christchurch on the south island for the evening and are trying to find stuff to do in this place so we don't have to go to our room before we're so tired that we fall asleep immediately. Checked in to a MINGIN' backpackers hostal, six bunks in a tiny room. Why didn't we check it before we paid, WHY? A part of me can't wait to get back to Sydney and get back to normal again. On the other hand NZ is fucking cool, hmmm.

The plan now anyway is to get back to Australia for a month (in a week), then Philippines for 10 days, then London in mid May and then finally Sweden in the beginning of June or something. A bit scared of moving to Sweden. Maybe it's going to be too boring after London and all this. I suppose we could always just go somewhere else.

Finally realised how easy it is, just going somewhere else I mean.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Wednesday, February 23, 2005


It sometimes happens that I make little tunes up in my head that actually seem quite catchy when they're in my head and I go crazy if I can't record it somehow. If I'm not at home, where I can record it in the computer, I sometimes go to a phone booth, phone my mobile, let it ring and hum it down the answering service.
Last night, I had a dream that I had this amazing tune in my head and was desperately trying to find a tape recorder or a phone. I was going through every room in an old hospital, for some reason, singing it so loudly and so many times, just to kind of imprint it into my brain, that the song actually woke me up. I was going to record it but I was too tired to get out of bed. I regret that now. It was a killer tune.


Patrick had a snack that he invented himself the other day; a bowl of hot milk with Ritz crackers and sugar sprinkled on top of it!!!

It actually smelled really nice.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Schmalentine's

got the job for the furniture shop, wehee, it's fun doing (trying to do) something stylish and swanky. Went for a meeting with the client today that went really well. The money is alright as well. (why is always the word alright coming up as misspelled? it is alright isn't it? and i've even got the spell checker set on British English, wank (oh, wank is coming up red as well, bollocks (bollocks as well, FUCK (that's alright apparently)))).

It's a bit boring here in Sydney at the moment. Everyone else seem to go out and be doing stuff while we can't afford doing anything, being broke sucks. Bless Dave (landlord/flatmate) for never getting tired of asking us if we want to come with him when he does stuff, we almost always say no.

really looking forward to the Mardi Gras though. This ex girlfriend of Dave's asked if we want to be on a float, How cool is that? Maybe it's not that cool to be on the Labour party's Pro Gay Marriage float but Hey it's still a bloody float. We'll actually be a part of the whole thing instead of standing on a cardboard box trying to see something in between the muscle marys and leather daddys or whatever they are. It's going to be so cool and dave's ex is ace as well.
I had this goal that I would have a flat belly before mardi gras so I could take my top off (and look like every other gay clone) but it's so hard getting rid of it. I've lost another kilo I think and it's still there, smaller, but there. I'm starting to look skinny almost. I'll try until the party but if it's not gone by then I might just give up on it and try to accept it.
Stupid media that twists my mind into thinking anorexic is beautiful. More fat models!

Valentines Day is just commercial bullshit really innit? I'm glad Patrick feels the same way, we hardly even mentioned it to each other which is cool. Might sound unromantic but I just don't want to by in on that crap. we're romantic to each other anyway, sometimes, hmmm, thinking of it we could try a bit harder I suppose, but not on that day. Who's Valentine anyway?

Friday, January 21, 2005

Catch Up

Have not written in a while as you can see but not an awful lot of stuff has happened really. Just realised that I check several peoples blogs every day and spend time doing that so I might as well write, eh?

quick catch up:
christmas: nice, quiet with a messy ending.

new years: wicked. party in a central sydney gay flat overlooking the harbour bridge with all the fireworks and shit. messy start, middle and ending, hehe.

carreer: started as a guinea pig for medical research. Did the screening and all was fine. started the test and it turns out that i'm not suitable after all. Spent one night in hospital instead of 12 and they sent me a check for half of the compensation money, weeheew. like winning the lottery.
Now pitching for a website for a swanky furniture shop.

health: lost a few kilos again, back to where i was before entering Australia and it's damn pie shops in every bloody street corner, kegs of beeeer and massive portions of food. apparently australia is the porkiest country in the world. no wonder.

mind: happy as a bloody larry.


Sunday, December 05, 2004

Ok, I'll do this quiz as well

If you could travel back 200 years, where would you go?: Klondike, before everyone else.
If you could be somebody else, who?: The man with the biggest penis in the world.
If you were an animal in a past life, what would it have been?: A sloath.
How do you think people see you?: Annoyingly dizzy and distraught but still alright and HOT.
What is your greatest fear?: losing people
Are you addicted to anything?: Food, alcohol (haven't had a drink for 2 weeks though thanks to Mr fucking Atkins, quite good if you ask me).
Have you ever spent the night in a cell?: No. One evening though, my dad had to come and pick me up
What keeps you awake at night?: Sometimes I wind myself up and think that I will wake up in the morning and Patrick will be all cold and stiff beside me, like he's been dead for hours. Mostly it's creative thoughts though, brilliant ideas that doesn't seem that brilliant the day after for some reason.
What makes you cry?: Pulling my nose hairs out and and soppy American tv. Once I even cried to... no I can't tell you, too embarrassing.
What makes you laugh?: Almost everything.
Do you have any regrets?: Yes.
What’s the last thing you stole?: A fork.
Who’s the last person you spoke to?: Patrick.
What did you say?: Cannot remember.
What’s the last thing you ate?: 5 cold chicken drumsticks, I'm stuffed still, it was hours ago.
Which cartoon character would you be?: Felix The Cat.
Who was your last email from?: Horny Asian Sluts.
Last TV show you saw: We've watched so much tv lately, I can't remember anything specific to be honest. Oh, saw Goodfellas yesterday..
Tell something you’ve never told anybody else: My favourite colour used to be green for a while but it's blue now, how's that for a secret?
Say something about the person who sent this to you: No one sent it, I nicked it.


Today me and Patrick left the flat for the first time for ages. We've just been indoors, working on our new Blue Monkey site for days on end. Dave (mate we rent a room of) took us to his Italian parents for wicked lunch. Lovely pasta (which I couldn't eat thanks to Mr fucking Atkins) and steak and salad + Italian cheeses, which I could eat, bloody gorgeous. Parents really cool and easy going.

After that we went to a cheapo market where Patrick bought a few bottles of shower gel. Right after he took them off the shelf I started re-arranging the bottles that were left, he kind of left two holes in it. I moved all the bottles out towards the edge so it would look nicer and more full, without even thinking about it, Shit, talk about compulsive obsessive. I only realised what I was doing when I was finished, had a quick embarrassed look around me and walked off, hmmm.

Later we went to IKEA. It was like heaven, all brand new and lovely. Didn't realise how home sick I am until I was queuing up for paying for my Swedish crisp-bread and the Lingonberry jam and saw all the ginger snaps by the till and realised that I'm going to miss Christmas at home for the first time in my life. Waaahaaaaaa. It's as far from Christmas here in Australia as you can get.
Anyway, just now I put together two side tables that David bought in bloody 5 minutes. I'm bloody IKEA Boy. I heard about some guy that does that for a living, puts together IKEA furniture for people. Kind of defeats the point really, why buying flat-packs cheaply and then pay someone to put them together. Buy more expensive furniture in the first place and save some hassle. That's my advice.

Decided to change the name of my blog.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Human Brain - An Amazing Machine

A few weeks ago, I was cooly jogging down the streets around suburban Sydney with wicked music in my ears from the iPod. All of a sudden I stumbled on something and fell over. The thing is, I remember how much I was able to think in between the moment I knew I was falling and until I was sprawling on the ground. I had the iPod in my hand and while I was falling I remember thinking; so, what are my options here? I don’t just want to let go of the iPod, because it might break against the tarmac. I don’t want to hold on to it either because I want to stop my fall with my hands so that I won’t hurt my knees, which are a bit fucked up anyway. All these thoughts just ran through my head in this split-second. In the end I managed to let go of the iPod just before I hit the ground and stopped myself from doing any major damage to both my knees and the iPod.
Imagine if I normally could use my brain like that. I would be some kind of super being or something. Like Milla Jovovich in the end of Residential Evil II, which we watched yesterday. It was RUBBISH by the way. Donnie Darko was cool though.


This is my first post. I’m torn between having something really cleaver/funny to say in my first ever post and just writing the darn post. As you can see I finally chose the latter.